Thursday, April 12, 2012


There is not much to report this week. I have completed work on my two mini games, and all that is left to do is prepare for the alpha presentation. My group and I will be meeting up later in the week to get things ready for Tuesday. I will probably try to select a few important aspects of my games to include in the presentation; I will also probably try to go through and add some more comments in my code so that it is a bit more understandable.

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Few More Tweaks

My platforming mini-game is completely functional now. However, I still need to replace some of the placeholder art, and I need to create the final "levels". I will be spending some time developing some of the tiles that will be used, but any actual animations will be done by Chris. I may decide to add a few more different types of tiles just to add a bit of variety (such as ladders, elevators, etc.), but for now I am satisfied with it as an alpha version.