Friday, March 30, 2012

Next Stage of Development

My first mini game is functionally complete; it still requires that some of the art assets are updated, and sound will also need to be integrated, but for the most part it is done. I have begun working on my next mini game; which will be a platformer with a food pyramid theme. So far I have some of the basic groundwork established, however I feel that this mini game is going to be significantly harder to code, and I am skeptical as to whether or not I will have it completed on time. My main areas of concern are wall collisions, moving along the ground at an angle, and getting the screen to pan as it follows the character through the level. This mini game will also require much more animation than the rhythm mini game. Despite my skepticism about finishing it on time, I do believe that I'll still manage to get it working.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week 4 - Production

I have begun production on the rhythm mini game. I have completed the core functionality of the game, but it still requires a lot of fine tuning and adjustments before I can consider it working correctly. This week will likely be dedicating to performing the necessary tweaks, and trying to create the art assets that will be used in the final version of the game (all the current assets are using place holder graphics). I will also require a song to set the game to, but that will be taken care of by another member of the development team.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Begining Production

For the senior project I will be in charge of making two mini-games as well as helping with any programming issues that the other members may have. This week I will begin making a prototype for the first of the two mini-games. It will be a rhythm game similar in design to dance dance revolution. I have already researched various ways in which to implement the game, and now I just need to begin coding. I will probably have a basic working version of the game either by the end of the week, or early next week.

However, one issue that I need to resolve before I get started is consulting the other members of the team about certain parameters that our project will follow; such as what framerate and resolution we should be working with.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Initial Project Design

For my senior project I will be working with a group to develop a flash based educational game for a client. This game will be based upon several childrens' books that were written about various health issues.

This week will be spent working on the GDD, and determining the roles of the various group members.